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Go to the shopYes, at Luxury GoRound, each handbag undergoes an extensive review and authentication process. We inspect every tiny detail (stitching, measurements, stamps, and other brand identity marks) to confirm the handbag is 100% authentic. We certify each item and provide our certificate of authenticity with each purchase. Our proprietary authentication process is multi-layered, scientific, technological, and comes with years of luxury experience which reassures you that your item is truly 100% authentic. If any handbag is determined not authentic by an industry-respected third-party authentication expert, we will refund 100% of your purchase price.
We are very aware of how the counterfeit markets have made buying authentic luxury goods difficult. However, our buying team purchases from the most well-respected sources and vetted consigners. Our team is trained to the highest standard of authentication and examines every item we list for sale. We issue our Certificate of Authenticity with every item we sell. This provides you with the ultimate assurance that your item is 100% authentic. We stand by our 100% money-back guarantee.
We sell preloved Hermes, Chanel, and Louis Vuitton handbags. We strive to only handpick handbags that are very good, near perfect, or store fresh.
Generally, the process of posting your handbag to the website takes 2-4 days. Before your item is listed on our website, it will be subject to our authentication process, which is referenced below, and, depending on the item’s condition, it may need to be serviced.
1. Once we receive your item, the authentication team will review it and advise you if it will be provisionally accepted for consignment. If your item is provisionally accepted, we will provide you with a provisional price range. Please note that Luxury GoRound has the right to reject your item (if it does not match the photos provided or if we are unable to authenticate it) once it has been received. If your item is rejected at this stage, it will have to be returned to you at your own cost.
2. Next, we will agree to the price range offered. We obviously want to achieve a good return for the item for both of us, but we also want to succeed in selling it. So, it is important to strike the right balance with valuing the item.
If you are on the hunt for a special handbag, you can sign up for our Wishlist in your client account.
Our team reviews the Wishlist submissions daily. We will keep the items in mind while sourcing new handbags to add to our collection. If you really want the bag ASAP, we offer an additional service through our BagCierge that can attempt to locate your dream bag. There is a fee for the BagCierge service. Please contact the BagCierge at shop@luxurygoround.com for more information and to let us know which handbag you are searching for.